Monday, April 28, 2008

Return to Scotland!

Well, looks like I will be back in Scotland this August! Another road trip from Edinburgh up to the Northern tip of Scotland. While in Edinburgh, I am going to pay a visit to Edinburgh University to see the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Medicine. While we are there, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo will be active and will be AWESOME to see in person. It will be nice to travel north and get away from the city tourism though. It is so peaceful in the Highlands and away from the big city areas. Puck's Glen will definitely be on the itinerary again as well as Loch Ness. Anyway, I'll keep updating with the latest news on the trip.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Application to veterinary school...

Well, only 6 months to go and I apply to veterinary school in Edinburgh. The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Medicine to be exact. I am getting very excited. I am also applying to school in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and California. The tuition is much more reasonable than going to Scotland. Scotland is so enticing though and I would really enjoy spending my DVM studies there. I will keep updates on the news of applying to veterinary school.