Monday, May 28, 2007

We Arrived in Zurich!

Hey everyone! Well, we finally made it to our destination, Zurich. The train ride from Munich to Zurich was about 5 hours. The ride was quiet and VERY smooth. We did end up sitting next to an obnoxious couple though! They were very loud and it seemed as if they made jokes at every new person that walked passed. They finally left at one of the stops and we had the seats to ourself. We arrived in Zurich, Switzerland at about 4:45pm. The Hauptbrahnhof (central station) was very nice and clean. We purchased our Swiss Pass after waiting in line for about 1 hour. The Swiss Pass allows us to travel all through Switzerland and almost all of the major cities like Berne, Lucerne, Zurich, etc. allow you to travel for free, as long as you have the pass that you paid for.

We checked in to our very nice hotel, called Central Plaza Hotel. The rooms are VERY nice and the people that work here are extremely nice. Talk about high security though, the room key is also the key for the elevator. You cannot get the elevator to operate unless you insert your special card. We ate dinner at the restaurant at the hotel and had very good food. After dinner, Mom unpacked her suitcase and I walked around the city for about an hour. I found some very cool shops and restaurants. When I came back to the hotel, I went under central station and there was a whole other city underneath! There were dozens of shops at every turn! That was pretty much our day today and tomorrow I will be up at around 6:45am and need to be at Zurich University at 9am. I will definitely post pictures of my experience tomorrow. Talk to everyone later!

-Dan and Andrea


Dr. Bill said...

Dan and Andrea,
Wow!! The sights are fabulous. You all look like such seasoned travelers. Thanks for the great pictures and narrative. Oh!! You probably don't know who this is because I did not say "What's up my honky!" Continue having fun.
Dr. Bill

Dr. Bill said...

PS. What is up with Chinese food in Munich? When in Germany you have to indulge in the German cuisine 24/7. No excuses.
Later. Dr. Bill

Anonymous said...

We just got special cards like that at the clinic. You'll get yours when you get back. It's made getting the animals in and out of the kennels a little trickier, but we've had less escapes.

Hasta ~


Anonymous said...

I'm dying to hear how today went. Tanya is lying...we made special ID cards for the techs to keep you from escaping!!! Lisa

Brownie said...

Escaping, we never escape! It's you doctors that always escape and we have to go runnin around in an attempt to find you. lol! I have endulged in A LOT of German food and the sausages fill me up so fast. Miss you all! Lisa, what month do you start working again?


P.S. Before I go, I can't gotta say one thing before I log off. Hey Dr. Bill, what's up honky?

Anonymous said...

Dan what's up with the Swiss Pass? Didn't you pay for that? So, it doesn't really allow you to travel for free since you had to pay for that pass. Get it right! Sheesh! hahah. So what kinda food do they eat in Switzerland? Cheese with holes? Did you have any?
